Prestige Deluxe Alpha Svachh Stainless Steel Spillage Control Handi Pressure Cooker 1.5ltr

Prestige Deluxe Alpha Svachh Stainless Steel Spillage Control Handi Pressure Cooker 1.5ltr


Prestige Deluxe Alpha Svachh Stainless Steel Spillage Control Handi Pressure Cooker 1.5ltr

  • SKU: 813976
  • Availability: Out of stock

Because they are constructed from the highest grade stainless steel, the Prestige Deluxe Alpha Svachh Pressure Cookers are ideal for any kitchen. Its distinctive Alpha foundation is compatible with induction and made to distribute heat evenly. Additionally, it has integrated safety features like a controlled gasket-release system, safety plug, and pressure indicators. Additionally, the Svachh lid keeps messy fluids from leaking down and captures any spills that may happen while cooking. You can trust this Prestige product, so go ahead and bring home the Deluxe Alpha Svachh Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker.