Lipton Clear & Light Green Tea Bags 25 pcs

Lipton Clear & Light Green Tea Bags 25 pcs

Lipton Clear & Light Green Tea Bags 25 Pcs

  • SKU: 207141
  • Availability: Out of stock

Lipton Clear & Light Green Tea Bags 25 pcs One sip at a time, it's more than simply a cup of tea—it's therapy. A steaming cup of Lipton's green tea in the morning will make you feel energised and enlived. Throughout the day, choose Lipton Green Tea Clear & Light as your go-to beverage. The process of heating, rolling or cutting, and drying newly picked leaves yields green tea. The green tea method preserves the catechins in the fresh leaves, which aid in waist reduction. Additionally, unlike regular chai prepared with milk and sugar, green tea is usually consumed without these ingredients and has no calories. Because Lipton Green Tea contains 99.5% water, staying hydrated is crucial to ensuring that body processes run smoothly. online today!

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