Himalaya Pimple Clear Cream 20gm

Himalaya Pimple Clear Cream 20gm

Himalaya Pimple Clear Cream 20gm

  • SKU: 95767
  • Availability: Out of stock

Acne-n-Pimple cream: Say goodbye to zits. What it performs: Himalaya's Acne-n-Pimple Cream heals infections and soothes skin outbreaks, leaving skin smooth and silky. The benefits of lentil, silk cotton tree, five-leaved chaste tree, barbados aloe, and alum extracts provide it great astringent, styptic, and cooling qualities. Important components: The astringent, calming, and anti-inflammatory qualities of lentils aid in lowering acne-related inflammation. The cooling and astringent qualities of silk cotton tree extracts make them useful for treating skin outbreaks and acne. Alum works well as an antibacterial, styptic, and astringent. It helps with acne, ulcers, prickly heat, and superficial infections. Barbados aloe is a popular ingredient in creams, lotions, and shampoos because of its emollient, astringent, cooling, and healing qualities. It works well in