Dabur Honey 1.3kg

Dabur Honey 1.3kg

Dabur Honey 1.3kg

  • SKU: 193070

Would you like to increase your immunity? Do you have trouble controlling your weight? Would you like to begin your day in a healthy manner? Do you want to enhance your metabolism and digestion? If the response to the questions above is in the affirmative, you ought to incorporate Dabur Honey into your regular routine.Dabur Honey is acquired only from Indian beekeepers and rigorously complies with all 22 requirements set out by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for honey testing. Furthermore, as required by the FSSAI, Dabur Honey undergoes LCMS - MS testing to ensure that antibiotics are completely absent. Additionally, it is SMR tested for the absence of rice and IRMS tested for added sugar.