Brass Deepak Niranjan (No 2)

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Brass Deepak Niranjan (No 2)

Brass Deepak Niranjan (No 2)

  • SKU: 812576
  • Availability: Out of stock
A brass Niranjan diya is a traditional Indian oil lamp made from brass metal. It is commonly used in religious and cultural ceremonies as a symbol of enlightenment and positivity. The diya typically consists of a bowl-shaped base that holds oil, with a wick placed inside that is lit to produce a small flame. The brass material is often chosen for its durability and aesthetic appeal. The lamp is typically filled with oil, such as coconut or sesame oil, which is known for its purity and ability to burn cleanly. The wick is made of cotton and is usually twisted to increase its surface area, allowing for a larger flame. Brass diyas can come in various sizes and designs, from simple and traditional to intricate and decorative. They are commonly used in festivals such as Diwali and are also used for daily prayers in many Hindu households.